Subject description

How is change possible in the international system? How do actors bring it about, and which actors matter? While the state is the primary actor in international relations, today its power is challenged along a number of directions: whether by changes at the domestic level; by international actors such as … For more content click the Read More button below.

Tutorial enrolment

Students can enrol online via the Tutorial Enrolment link in SOLS


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Teaching staff

Subject coordinators

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Demonstrate an enhanced knowledge and understanding of key issues and debates within international relations.
Explore trends in debates about how international issues relate to the interests and identities of key actors, and about perceptions of key issues and problems;
Examine a range of varying perspectives on developments within the field of international relations;
Demonstrate enhanced capabilities to apply knowledge and analysis of a variety of issues within international relations in both a verbal and written context

Assessment details

Participation and Presentation
Short Theory Essay
Major Essay short proposal
Major Essay

Textbook information

No prescribed textbooks for this subject.

Contact details

Faculty contact

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